Story Updates and Life

Just wanted to put up a little update. Life is still quite busy at the moment so for now my writing time is quite limited. Some days I can put out a few hundred words and some days I don't get any writing going. Still working and wanted to update my current projects: 1) Witches Brew. Dylan takes a last hike before the start of the fall semester. Along the way he runs into a mysterious, older brunette that leaves him wondering if he found someone that never quite left the Back to the Land movement. If only it were that simple...

This will be a novelette that is intended to go on sale at Smashwords in time for the Halloween season -crosses fingers-. It is currently sitting at about 4,500 words in length.

2) Hurricane Party. Scott is a former member of the Coast Guard, still adjusting to the civilian life. Instead of getting to enjoy a Halloween party he's having to bunker down for an incoming hurricane. He still might just get to have that party though...

This will be a novelette to be published in the Literotica Halloween story contest. It is currently at 1800 words.

3) Shelley's Not a She Chp. 5. Currently in the planning phase, I have a few ideas floating around and will most likely start putting words to electrons once I have the Smashwords book published.